Sewer Back-Up Restoration



Sewage Restoration Services in Mid-Missouri

Experiencing a sewage backup in your home is every homeowner’s worst nightmare. An overflow or a simple clog in your sewage system can completely derail your life. While the extent of the damage varies, every homeowner’s first thought is, “how am I going to clean this up?” This is where our services come in handy. Our trained professionals can not only perform a quick and sanitary cleanup, but also salvage as much as we can from the water damage.
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Sewage Restoration Services in Mid-Missouri

Experiencing a sewage backup in your home is every homeowner’s worst nightmare. An overflow or a simple clog in your sewage system can completely derail your life. While the extent of the damage varies, every homeowner’s first thought is, “how am I going to clean this up?” This is where our services come in handy. Our trained professionals can not only perform a quick and sanitary cleanup, but also salvage as much as we can from the water damage.
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Efficient Sewage Cleanup Services By Clean Touch Restoration in Mid-Missouri 

A sewage problem should be dealt with as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more damage will be done to your property and personal belongings. Additionally, you want to eliminate the bacteria quickly so it doesn’t grow and spread. If not promptly taken care of, exposed sewage can present health and fire safety hazards. Surfaces that have come into contact with sewage are immediately contaminated with bacteria and an assortment of unwanted germs. Exposed electricals and wiring are an extreme danger if they come into contact with the water. The first thing you should always do in this case is shut off your power if this option is safely available. Next, pick up your cell phone and call Clean Touch Restoration.

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Efficient Sewage Cleanup Services By Clean Touch Restoration in Mid-Missouri 

A sewage problem should be dealt with as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more damage will be done to your property and personal belongings. Additionally, you want to eliminate the bacteria quickly so it doesn’t grow and spread. If not promptly taken care of, exposed sewage can present health and fire safety hazards. Surfaces that have come into contact with sewage are immediately contaminated with bacteria and an assortment of unwanted germs. Exposed electricals and wiring are an extreme danger if they come into contact with the water. The first thing you should always do in this case is shut off your power if this option is safely available. Next, pick up your cell phone and call Clean Touch Restoration.

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Our Sewage Back-Up Restoration Process

Our team of trained professionals will handle the situation with caution and respect to your personal belongings. Our first concern is always clearing the water and then tackling the sanitary cleanup. We ensure to use chemicals that are not harmful to you nor your home yet still eliminate any trace of bacteria. One of customer’s biggest concerns is whether or not a sewage spill will cause mold and bacteria growth in the home. At Clean Touch restoration, you can rest assured once our job is done, your home will be sparkling clean with no evidence the mess ever happened.

Our Sewage Back-Up Restoration Process

Our team of trained professionals will handle the situation with caution and respect to your personal belongings. Our first concern is always clearing the water and then tackling the sanitary cleanup. We ensure to use chemicals that are not harmful to you nor your home yet still eliminate any trace of bacteria. One of customer’s biggest concerns is whether or not a sewage spill will cause mold and bacteria growth in the home. At Clean Touch restoration, you can rest assured once our job is done, your home will be sparkling clean with no evidence the mess ever happened.

FAQ’s About Sewage Cleanup and Restoration 

  • What Causes A Sewage Backup?

    A number of things can lead to sewage issues. The main causes for a sewage backup are clogged sewer lines, tree roots that have grown into or around sewage pipes and old/damaged sewage lines. 

  • Does Insurance Cover A Sewage Backup?

    A damaging sewer backup does fall under insurance, however, it completely depends on the situation, policy and what caused the backup in the first place. Our team can go over your insurance options for your individual case. 

  • What Should I Do If I Have A Sewage Backup?

    The immediate steps to take if you have a sewage backup after calling a professional, is to shut off your power if it is safe, put on protective clothing and evacuate the home until help arrives for your own safety. 

Learn More About Our Other Services

Tile Cleaning
Mold Remediation
Fire & Water Restoration
Carpet & Upholstery

Why Clean Touch Restoration Is The Right Choice For Sewage Restoration in Mid-Missouri

Our team is trained and skilled in sanitary sewage cleanups. We take the appropriate precautions to ensure every job is a job well done. At Clean Touch Restoration, we want you to get back on track with your daily life as soon as possible. For this reason, we are on the scene right when you need us. 

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Why Clean Touch Restoration Is The Right Choice For Sewage Restoration in Mid-Missouri

Our team is trained and skilled in sanitary sewage cleanups. We take the appropriate precautions to ensure every job is a job well done. At Clean Touch Restoration, we want you to get back on track with your daily life as soon as possible. For this reason, we are on the scene right when you need us. 

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If you are in need of sewage cleanup services, contact us today!

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